Preheat oven to 400˚F.
Place your steaks in a ziploc bag and pour in the apple juice. Let your steaks sit in the apple juice while you prep the other ingredients.
For your chimichurri, combine parsley, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic, red onion, apple cider vinegar, salt, and red pepper flakes in a food processor. Blend together, while slowly drizzling in the olive oil until smooth.
Peel and rough chop your potatoes into cubes. Toss the potatoes in a pot of boiling water and let cook until potatoes are soft enough to mash. (Don’t forget to salt your water!)
While waiting for the potatoes to cook, start prepping your asparagus. (I like to break asparagus with my hands, to remove fibrous ends and also show my arm strength.) Toss your asparagus on a baking sheet in one flat layer. Drizzle with olive oil before you salt and pepper. Place in the oven for 20 minutes.
After your potatoes are soft, remove from heat, dump out the excess water, and start mashing! Once potatoes are mashed, add coconut milk, butter, olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I know there are no measurements for the salt, pepper, and garlic powder, that’s because it’s up to you and your taste. Mix until well combined, now your potatoes are done.
Time to take your steaks out of the marinade. Combine all the other seasonings and sprinkle on both sides of steak. Grill steaks 6 minutes on each side (depending on your preference of done-ness). Remove from grill, let rest, then slice into strips.
Plate steak and spoon some of that fine fresh chimichurri on top and don’t forget your asparagus and potatoes on the side.